Day 6/14 in Taiwan – Hsinchu/Xihu/Taipei

My day started off early (not as early as the bride). Got up to prepare for gatecrash. Had fun! The groom and his brothers were all very sporty!

The photo below taken from upstairs.


All in all, we had 6 rounds for the groom and his brothers to complete and he passed all (with some of them giving angpow to pass of course =p).

And Taiwanese being Taiwanese, they thought of really cool names for each game. Can you believe we only thought of playing these games just the night before? Bride’s mum didn’t want us to play too much with the groom because she dotes on the groom. =p



And what more, we thought of these at 12mn and we went to print out at the convenience store just downstairs! How convenient!!! Love Taiwan convenience stores – 7-Eleven and Family Mart. They do provide a lot of services and products. My Taiwanese friend shared with me that the first priority when it comes to buying a house in Taiwan (city area) is close proximity to a convenience store! In Singapore, our first priority would most likely be near MRT station.

After gatecrash, off we went to Xihu, a countryside place – my first time there! The couple hired a bus to fetch some people from Hsinchu to Xihu and I was one of them.



The ride was smooth. I think it took about an hour. Can’t recall anymore.

Groom’s family members planted vegetables too! They looked delicious!



Wedding lunch was supposed to be held at groom’s house but due to bad weather, it was shifted to a nearby hall with shelter. 🙂



Wedding lunch was delicious, with some Hakka dishes as the groom is Hakka. Both the groom and bride are my friends. 🙂 Love the purple design above! Purple is my favourite colour. 🙂


Basically, this was their third wedding reception. First was ROM. Second was at the bride’s place of birth – Taipei (held in a hotel). Third was this – at the groom’s place of birth – Xihu.

There were a total of 11 dishes including dessert. In Singapore, you usually can’t feel that you’re full after a wedding lunch/dinner. But I’ve experienced in Malaysia that you will feel so full that you can’t eat anymore! And now in Taiwan here, I feel the same way!

The bus took some of us back to Taipei. I was together with the bride’s family on the bus. Had quite a lot of time to kill by the time I reached Taipei. I think it was about 5pm when I reached.

As I had overnight train plans from Taipei Main Station to my next destination, I just spent my time walking. Walked the underground mall from Taipei Main Station Metro to the next two Metro stations. Very convenient. 🙂

After that, I walked back and just had my dinner at KFC. Spent my time using my laptop after that and time just flew past before I knew it was time to take the overnight train.



It was about 7 hours on the overnight train. My first experience on an overnight train as well. 🙂 Thankfully I managed to get some sleep even though it was brightly lit too.

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